-- An example of Actor Prolog program.                               --
-- (c) 2012 IRE RAS Alexei A. Morozov                                --
--                                                                   --
-- This program draws an object and creates a clip plane to see      --
-- the interior of the object. It also has a behavior to move        --
-- the clip plane.                                                   --

import .. from "morozov/Java3D";

class 'Main' (specialized 'Canvas3D'):
        Bounds== 'BoundingSphere'({
                center: p(0.0,0.0,0.0),
                radius: 100.0
        Appearance== 'Appearance'({
                material: 'Material'({
                        lightingEnable: 'yes'
                polygonAttributes: 'PolygonAttributes'({
                        cullFace: 'CULL_NONE'
                        transform3D: 'Transform3D'({
                                scale: 0.4
                        branches: [
                                        lightOn: 'yes',
                                        color: color3(1.0,1.0,1.0),
                                        influencingBounds: Bounds
                                        color: color3(0.5,0.0,0.5),
                                        direction: [-1.0,-1.0,1.0],
                                        influencingBounds: Bounds
                                        color: color3(0.7,0.7,0.0),
                                        direction: [0.0,0.0,-1.0],
                                        influencingBounds: Bounds
                                        transform3D: 'Transform3D'({
                                                rotation: [0.0,1.0,0.0,45.0]
                                        branches: [
                                                        radius: 0.5,
                                                        height: 2.2,
                                                        generateNormals: 'yes',
                                                        xdivisions: 100,
                                                        ydivisions: 1,
                                                        appearance: Appearance
                                                        radius: 0.3,
                                                        height: 2.5,
                                                        generateNormals: 'yes',
                                                        xdivisions: 100,
                                                        ydivisions: 1,
                                                        appearance: Appearance
                                                        xdim: 0.8,
                                                        ydim: 0.8,
                                                        zdim: 0.8,
                                                        generateNormals: 'yes',
                                                        appearance: Appearance
                                                        allowTransformWrite: 'yes',
                                                        allowTransformRead: 'yes',
                                                        branches: [
                                                                        schedulingBounds: Bounds
                                                                        schedulingBounds: Bounds
                                                                        schedulingBounds: Bounds
                                                                        1: [0.0,1.0,1.0,0.0],
                                                                        influencingBounds: Bounds